Required Documents for Claiming of Checks

By owner:

  • Official receipt /collection receipt if with BIR Registered Sale Invoice
  • Valid ID of the owner
  • Thru Representative:

  • Official receipt /collection receipt if with BIR Registered Sale Invoice
  • Duly notarized Special Power of Attorney (for the authority to claim the check)
  • Valid ID of the owner (Photocopy with clear signature)
  • Valid ID of the representative / Representatives (Photocopy with clear signature)
  • For Corporation:

  • Official receipt /collection receipt if with BIR Registered Sale Invoice
  • Notarized Board Resolution for the authorized representative to claim check (with names and signatures of board members present during the meeting)
  • Articles of Incorporation / General Information Sheet (GIS) (to verify / validate the signatory on the Board Resolution)
  • Secretary’s Certificate indicating the authorized representative/s in claiming checks (Notarized with signature of representatives and corporate secretary)
  • Valid ID of authorized representatives, board members and corporate secretary (photocopy with signatures)
  • Required Documents for Transfer Tax

    One (1) set of ORIGINAL and one (1) set of PHOTOCOPY of the following:

  • Mode of Transfer/ Deed of Conveyance
  • CAR- Certificate Authorizing Registration
  • Land Title (if available)
  • Tax Declaration
  • Original Receipt/ Tax Clearance of latest RPT payment
  • If representative- Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
  • (If the SPA is executed abroad: Certification of the Philippine Consulate)
  • Photocopy of ID- Principal and Representative
  • Additional Requirements, as may be needed
  • Required Documents for Tax Clearance

    One (1) set of ORIGINAL and one (1) set of PHOTOCOPY of the following:

  • Mode of Transfer/ Deed of Conveyance (for transferred properties)
  • Original Receipt
  • If representative- Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
  • (If the SPA is executed abroad: Certification of the Philippine Consulate)
  • Photocopy of ID- Principal and Representative
  • Additional Requirements, as may be needed