
Ensure that Health is made accessible, available and affordable at all times especially to the poor and marginalized and in partnership with other stakeholders and local government units


Healthy and Productive Quezonians
I. Quezon Provincial Health Office (QPHO)
The Quezon Provincial Health Office shall be responsible for health service delivery and health system management, including the delivery of promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative components of health care within the territorial jurisdiction of the province. The PHO shall be headed by the PHO II. It shall be composed of three (3) divisions:
  • a. Health Service Delivery Division (HSDD)
  • b. Health System Support Division (HSSD)
  • c. Quezon Provincial Hospital Network (Hospital Operations)
  • The Administrative Unit shall be the main support unit for the functions of the QPHO. It shall serve all functions relating to the general adminstration of the QPHO, and other roles and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Provincial Health Officer II.
    II. Health Service Delivery Division
    The Health Service Delivery Division (HSDD) shall be headed by the PHO I and shall manage the coordination of health service delivery operations of primary care provider networks (PCPNs), hospitals, and other health faclities, and oversee the overall integration of the health systems and implementation of public health programs, health promotion, epidmiology and surveillance, and disaster risk reduction and management for health.
    The division shall be composed of the following units:
  • 1. The Health Education and Promotion Unit (HEPU) shall be responsible for the implementation of health promotion-related programs, projects and activities, and facilitate coordination among partners such as, but not limited to, local government and hopsital Health Education and Promotion Office (HEPOs) and Barangay Helath Workers as barangay level health promotions officers
  • The Provincial Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (PESU) shall be responsible for the conduct of epidemiologic investigations, patient interviews, review of medical records, contact tracing, collection, storage and transport of samples and specimens, risk assessments, laboratory investigation, population surveys and environmental investigation. It shall · also be responsible for the data management, analysis and mandatory reporting of notifiable diseases and health events of public health concern.
  • 3. The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Health Unit (DRRMHU) shall be responsible for the timely, effective, and efficient preparedness and response to public health emergencies and disasters. It shall also establish and maintain an emergency operation center with an early warning system, communication mechanism and technology, and equipment; and organize and mobilize health emergency response teams that are equipped with adequate and appropriate tools and supplies.
  • 4. The Environmental and Occupational Health Unit (EOHU) shall be responsible for the implementation and management of environmental sanitation programs including septage and sewage management and zero open defecation, conducting drinking water quality assessment and ensuring water safety, chemical safety, toxicology and industrial hygiene, healthcare waste management, Food and Water-Borne Diseases Program and programs pertaining to climate change and health.
  • The Public Health Program Management Group shall be responsible for the overall implementation of public health programs, local health policies, plans and standards, including the coordination of the delivery of public health services. The group shall be composed of the following units:
    The division shall be composed of the following units:
  • 5. Oral Health Unit (OHU) shall manage and oversee the local implementation of the Oral Health Program
  • 6. Family Health Unit (FHU) shall be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Safe Motherhood Program, Immunization Program, Family Planning Program, Adolescent and Youth Health Development Program, Newborn Screening Program, and other related public health programs.
  • 7. Infectious Diseases Unit (IOU) manages the Tuberculosis Program, STI-HIV/AIDS Program, Vector Borne Diseases Program, Rabies Prevention and Control Program, Leprosy, Yaws and Other Skin Diseases Program, Integrated Helminth Control Program, Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease Program and other related public health programs. The IDC shall also oversee the operation of the Provincial Chest Clinic, Animal Bite Treatment Center and Live Positive Wellness Hub.
  • 8. Non-Communicable Diseases Unit (NCDU) implements the Lifestyle-related Diseases Program, Mental Health Program, Prevention of Blindness Program, Renal Disease Control Program, Substance Abuse Prevention Program, Dangerous Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program, Tobacco Control Program, Alcohol Control Program, Cancer Prevention and Control Program, Voluntary Blood Services Program, Indigenous Peoples Program, Persons with Disability Program, Healthy and Productive Aging Program, Violence and Injury Prevention Program, and other related public health programs.
  • 9. Nutrition Unit (NutriU) shall oversee of the implementation of the provincial nutrition program including policy development and implementation, coordination and monitoring of nutrition action plan, and technical and logistic assistance to the local implementation of nutrition programs in cities and municipalities. The cluster is synonymous with the Provincial Nutrition Action Office, and thus is the secretariat of the Provincial Multisectoral Nutrition Council.
  • III. Health Systems Support Division (HSSD)
    The Health Systems Support Division (HSSD) shall be headed by the PHO I, and shall manage the health financing, planning and budgeting, health information system, navigation and referral system, procurement and supply chain for health products and services, local health regulation, health human resource development, and performance monitoring, among others.
    The division shall be composed of the following units:
  • 1. The Planning and Research Unit (PRU) shall be responsible for the formulation of the provincial health goals, objectives and overall plans, including the local investment plan for health (LIPH), and other investment and budget plans for health. It shall also manage the health planning process of the PHO. The unit shall be the repository and shall make sure that all constitutional health plans of the province are aligned with each other. The PRU shall also serve as the research and development focal point of the office.
  • 2. The Quality and Performance Monitoring Unit (QPMU) shall ensure that provided health services and operations of the health systems meet the minimum quality standards set by the DOH, PhilHealth, and other stakeholders, and satisfy the needs and expectations of the clients. It shall also ensure that performance standards are consistent across health facilities and services within the province. They shall implement the Continuous Quality Improvement strategy in their mandate and this shall be cascaded to the health facilities and divisions concerned. The QPMU shall oversee matters relating to the implementation of Universal Health Care in the province.
  • 3. The Quezon Health Navigation and Referral Unit (HNRU) (EO No. DHT-40 s.2022) shall be responsible for the navigation, referral, and telemedicine services for patients and clients within the Quezon PWHS. It shall coordinate patient transport with providers, emergency dispatch teams, s6cial welfare offices, municipal registrars, and other offices, as need arises. The HNRU shall set the policies and guidelines and serve as the secretariat of the Quezon Health Navigation and Referral System.
  • 4. The Health Information Systems Unit (HISU) shall be responsible for the information and communication technology development and management, and shall be the repository and safekeeper of all health data and statistics. It shall be the lead and dedicated unit in the implementation, monitoring and technical support in matters relating to Health Information Systems as part of the implementation of Universal Health Care in the province
  • 5. The Supply Chain Management Unit (SCMU) shall be responsible for facilitating demand planning and forecasting, inventory management, formulation of transportation and warehousing strategies, and monitoring of proper storage and disposal of medicines, health commodities and other health products in the entire Quezon ProvinceWide Health System (QPWHS), which includes all government hospitals and primary care facilities. The SCMU shall facilitate processes relating to procurement, allocation and distribution of the Office’s supplies and commodities.
  • 6. The Human Resource for Health Management and Development Unit (HRHMDU) shall be responsible for the development of strategies on HRH generation, recruitment, retraining and retention, including HRH sharing and performance assessment mechanisms within the province. It shall also be responsible for the formulation of HRH plan, conduct of learning development needs assessments and interventions, and career development and management system. It shall also be in charge of the provision of psychosocial and other necessary support for the HRH.
  • IV. Quezon Provincial Hospital Network
    Hospital Operations of the Quezon Provincial Hospital Network under the QPHO shall be composedof all the Provincial Government Hospitals, headed by the Chief of Hospital.


    The Provincial Government of Quezon through the Provincial Health Office (PHO) aims to provide an effective and efficient navigation and referral services and data coordination of patients, transportation, teleconsultation and other health-related services to include financial assistance among patients and members of Health Care Providers Network (HCPN). The following services are being rendered through the newly-created Health Navigation and Referral Unit (HNRU) under the management of the PHO:

  • • 24/7 Operation Center
  • • Inter Health Facility Referral or Admission
  • • Blood Request Assistance
  • • Medical Transportation Assistance
  • • Medical Financial Assistance Inquiries
  • • Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Inquiries
  • • Outpatient Schedule Inquiries
  • Teleconsultation
  • • E-Learning Session on National Practice Guidelines for Health Workers
  • Quezon Health Care Providers Directory (QHCPD)

    Quezon Telemedicine is another service provided by the Provincial Health Office – Health Navigation and Referral Unit through the initiative and leadership of honorable Gov. Angelina “Doktora Helen” DL. Tan, MD, MBAH under H-ealth of HEALING agenda. In line with the desire of providing an efficient and effective health services and health service delivery operations, the province is committed to bring forth an accessible, affordable and quality individual-based health services, especially in remote areas and other underserved population thereby giving an aid in the improvement of health literacy and health-seeking behavior of Quezonians with the use of information and communications technology in health service.

    Under the said program are free medical teleconsultation and teledentistry. Our kababayans may consult their health and dental concerns within the convenience of their home, for free. They only need to have a smart phone and a strong internet connection. The services may be availed from Monday-Thursday at 9am-12nn and 1pm-3pm except holidays. Just send a message in the Facebook page of “Quezon Telemed”, fill out the informed consent and you will be provided with the following:

  • A. Link for teleconsultation using the Zoom virtual platform;
  • B. Date and Time of teleconsultation; and,
  • C. E- prescription and or laboratory request; and fill out the satisfaction survey after the call.
  • To avail any of the abovementioned services, kindly call or send a message through numbers, 0920-9228787 or connect with us through our Facebook page, Refer Quezon.

    The Quezon Health Care Providers Directory (QHCPD) is a comprehensive list of health care providers and facilities in the Province of Quezon. This includes primary care, specialty and subspecialty practitioners and clinics both in public and private health care institutions, with their specific service capabilities, available services, clinic and operating hours, and contact details. The QHCPD aims to provide Quezonians ready access to the list of providers in selecting appropriate and preferred health facility and/or health professional.

    This initiative is in line with one of the critical components of the Universal health Care Act, that is to ensure that all Quezonians have timely access to appropriate health care services through coordination and referral. The system is provided to you by the Provincial Government of Quezon through the Provincial Health Office (PHO).

    If you have further questions regarding QHCPD or if you need further assistance, please contact the Quezon Health Navigation and Referral Unit (HNRU) through numbers 0920-9228787 or through FB Page Refer Quezon.