
To provide efficient, measurable, attainable, and realistic services onsupply and property utilization, document tracking, records management, repair and maintenance,civil security management, and gender equality for citizen’s welfare.


An indispensable, arm of the local government unit with dignity engaged in rational and transparent management of properties, Records, supplies and services.

Organization’s Brief Description

The Local Government Code of 1991, as decreed under section 490of Republic Act 7160,created and identifies the authority and jurisdictionof Provincial General ServicesOffice (PGSO), Provincial Government, being one of the Local Government Unit (LGU) in the Philippines. Transferring control and responsibility ofdelivering basic services, It aimed to enhanced provision tothe code, it was cited, and substantiatedlikewise, under Section 3 (a), “ There shall be an effective allocation among the different local government units of their respective policies,functions, responsibilitiesand resources “; And (b), There shall be established in every local government units an accountable,efficient and dynamic organizational structures and operating mechanism that will meet the priority needs and service requirements of its communities.

In the way just indicated, establishes the Provincial General Services Office, one of the offices under the executive arm of Provincial Government of Quezon.

The Provincial General Services Office and Its Function.

1. To provide technical assistance, Support to the Provincial Government and to ensure the distribution and delivery of basic services;
2. Take custody and be accountable for all properties, real or personal, owned by the local government unit and those granted to it in the form of donation;
3. Supervise and maintain janitorial tasksand landscaping of theparks and other local government facilities and provincial compound;
4. Collate and disseminate the updates in the price of supplies, goods and services commonly used in the provincial government, and implement the price control, before approval of the Provincial Governor;
5. Perform archival and records management, maintenance and disposal;
6. Implement the disposal of unserviceable properties and equipment on policies and rules, thru auction sale;
7. Perform all other functions pertaining to supply and property Management;
8. All other matters related to general services;