
  • Implementation of Universal Health Care Law in the province.
  • Intensify Health and Nutrition Advocacy Campaign.
  • Strengthen TB Eradication including Malaria Control.
  • COVID 19 Immunization Program.
  • Mental Health Program.
  • Medicine Course in Southern Luzon State University.
  • Health Profiling and Digitization Program.
  • Improve the services in Quezon Medical Center.


  • Intensify Technical Vocational Education and Training.
  • Increase investments in education facilities, equipment, and personnel.
  • Strengthen the Alternative Learning System for the out-of-school youth.
  • Full Scholarship program and Return of Service program.
  • Implement One Family One Graduate program for the poorest of the poor.
  • TESDA accredited training facilities from different municipalities.
  • Construction of Houses or dormitories for students living in distant places.


  • Provision of agriculture and fisheries input and machinery to increase production.
  • Technical credit insurance assistance.
  • Strengthen Agritourism to give way to agricultural diversification.
  • Strengthen the status of the province as the Food Basket of CALABARZON to being the Agritourism Capital of the Region.
  • “Plant Plant Plant” Program of the government.


  • Improve the Public Employment Service (PESO).
  • Intensify job generation to help micro, small, and medium entrepreneurs.
  • Enhance Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES).
  • Mapping of Workers and match appropriate jobs based on their skills.
  • Construction of TESDA centers per municipality.
  • Intensify certification programs and skill trainings.


  • Potable water supply.
  • Road and Bridge Construction.
  • Irrigation System and other High impact Projects.
  • Accessible tourist destination.

    Nature and Environmental Tourism

  • Development of Open Spaces and Parks.
  • Environmental Protection.
  • Waste Segregation Management.
  • Proper regulations for quarrying and mining related activities.
  • Ensure our competitiveness and strengthen tourism industry.

    Good Governance

  • Intensify the campaign against criminality and the convergence efforts of all stake holders to promote peace and security.
  • Address the perennial issues in agrarian reform, land conversion, ancestral domain and the continuing disposition of coco levy.
  • Social protection and safety nets along with economic services and development.