
We commit to promote and implement sound fiscal policies that sustain and support our local development agenda;

We encourage participative budgeting in the allocation of our financial resources;

We adhere to a culture of competence, integrity, transparency, innovativeness and client-responsive among our officials and personnel;

We take pride in our organization as a community of professional men and women dedicated to the service of our people.


The Provincial Budget Office envisions a model organization that ensures policy-driven allocation and management of financial resources; upholds participative governance in the budget process; promotes continuity, transparency and accountability in fiscal management and makes service more relevant and responsive to all men and women constituents.

Organization’s Brief Description

The Provincial Budget Office is one of the mandatory offices provided for under the Local Government Code of 1991. This office is primarily tasked to assist the Local Chief Executive in its mandate to prepare the budget for submission to the Sanggunian Panlalawigan. This office also ensures of all the items of expenditures which were authorized in the appropriation ordinance.